In October, Stratford Council voted to approve zoning changes to permit 350 apartment and townhouse units on the former Krug factory site at Douro and King. The developer, BMI, proposed Stratford’s first 10-storey apartment building, which many residents found disproportionate. Others criticized the lack of attention to parking, shade requirements, heat pumps, charging stations, and similar environmental requirements.


We’ve discussed the meeting in an earlier post, especially Mike Sullivan’s assertion of the need for a noise wall and odour mitigation to protect residents.

CN Rail, which has its main switching yard 37 metres from the site, has expressed concerns to the city about noise and odours. In response, the developer suggested they would make the units ‘air conditioner ready’ and require owners/renters to agree that they would be subjected to noise.

CN requested a development agreement and an easement agreement before the Council vote. Unfortunately, no agreement was provided.

CN has now appealed the zoning change to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

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